Thursday, 15 January 2015

Here in Ongole!

We made it!! We stumbled off the train in Ongole at around 5pm on Tuesday.

One thing I won't ever take for granted again is South West Trains! If you imagine a train in India (minus the people hanging off the roof) - that it what you get. Therefore it wasn't a huge shock as this really is the 'real' India. However after 12 hours, top tier of a sleeper train (3 beds, one above the other, six in each compartment), we feel now like our room at our project is something we shouldn't take for granted... We have a shower ( with warm water when the sun heats it), two plugs, a flushing toilet, desk, side table, 2 plates, cups and spoons, 2 chairs and double beds. I really wasn't expecting this accommodation after using a bucket shower to start with! Our room is comfortable so I'm sure we'll easily settle in. We've seen our first monkey too, and cows and goats, dogs, lizards and an oversized caterpillar. (It's the little things that count!).

As spoken English is almost non existent here, hopefully we'll be able to see the children progress over the months we have with them. This evening we learnt our first bit of Telugu. 'How are you?' is 'Ella oo-na ru' and 'I'm good' is 'Bagu Nanu'. It sounds simple but just learning small phrases is enabling us to break the language barrier and it's entertaining too.

The experience so far has been a real eye opener. I feel after only five days I could tell you a lot about India. Ongole is infact a city too - a small city, but to us it feels huge and is crazy busy! Everyone is friendly, the food is spicey, the weather is warm but not too hot and it's exciting and overwhelming at the same time.

Here are some photos of our room so far & train journey! ... X

Ps. Happy 18th George (you're still my baby brother)!

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