Monday, 23 February 2015

February photos, fun and games...

Our afternoons with nursery go along the lines of watching four year olds be the happiest they could possibly be by giving them coloured balls, taking them out on the playground and playing a mix of fetch, catch and run around and enjoy yourself. More importantly it creates a sea of smiling faces and the odd mischievous smirk of the child who looks like he's accomplished climbing Everest when he's managed to climb up the slide, with socks on - backwards! 

The older kids have also been great. Our sticker charts have been up for the past few weeks and their behaviour has improved incredibly. I've turned into the, 'If you finish your work, and we have five minutes left at the end we can play a game' kind of teacher, and even the more disruptive ones are in on the concept of 'work hard, play hard' - Simon says that is! General knowledge with seventh standard has also been an eye opener for Jade and I. Google has been a good friend in improving our own random facts. 'The Lion is England's national animal' - then trying to explain that we don't actually have lions they just live in zoos - but in the old days I think we may have done... as I cast my mind back to Narnia! Thinking of country names from A-Z in teams and learning the names of all of the continents has also been another one of our seventh standard games. 'Oman' is the only country name that begins with O!

... So life carries on in ol' little India as this week the children have their end of unit exams, so we best get our invigilating shoes on! Here are a collection of pictures from the last couple of weeks. 

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